Thursday, February 6, 1992

Correspondence: February 6, 1992

To Roger, Executive Editor, TVData

Hey, thanks for the cool card! When I came in yesterday and couldn’t find your anniversary greeting in my box, I thought, “Gee, that crazy Rog must really be going all-out this year. What could the Head Cheese have in mind?” Ed K— got a marching band, and I know I mean more to you than Ed K—. Whatever you were planning, it must have cost a pretty penny.

You may ask yourself, “Could I still get respect and performance from the people around me if I weren’t the boss?”1 Of course! You’d have my respect regardless of the magnitude of your tribute. We both know that building a team that works hard and loves it is one of the most challenging and worthwhile jobs the executive can undertake2, but I’m not worthy of such a sacrifice.

I fretted most of the morning. I couldn’t bear the thought of your spending money you don’t have on me, so I called to tell you that you didn’t have to do anything special. I wanted to tell you to go ahead and save your money and you could make it up to me next year. I see you got my message anyway.

PS- I am enclosing a picture so you won’t forget my face.

1 J.D. Batten, Tough-Minded Management, American Management Association Inc., 1963
2 Ibid.

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